Friday, August 31, 2012

Continue to Run

Well, I went to the doctor this morning to have my ankle looked at. The physical therapists where I work have taken pretty good care of me, but still suggested that I go have my ankle checked out. I had x-rays taken and thankfully there were no stress fractures. Bottom line.....overuse. The doctor noticed some swelling and I was told to "take it easy." Ummmmm, I have a 15 miler on my training plan Saturday. I explained my upcoming marathon. My training program and what it consisted of. When the doctor saw my tears welling up, he suggested we try a few things. Since the pain is no worse running, I can continue to run. I need to ICE ICE ICE. I am not one to take any medicines but recommended ibuprofen. Continue to have it taped. After a few more suggestions he said that he would consider a cortisone shot but not until I was closer to marathon time. I still have way too many training miles. So, I did leave with some hope. 

When I got to work I grabbed a tech and said, "I need to ICE my ankle!" 

I got home from work around 3:30 and looked around for some pre run food.

Oops sorry this is sideways. I figured a smoothie was perfect.I added was a frozen banana, a tablespoon vanilla and lots of spinach.

YUMMY!! Such a pretty green.

I headed out for a run after my smoothie settled. I wanted to show you a picture of my heartrate monitor. It sits right under my sportsbra. Honestly it does not move and I do not feel it. It sends signals to my Garmin watch and shows me my rate. I ran/walked 4 miles tonight. My ankle still no better no worse.

I made myself a quick dinner of eggs and a slice of toast. I am off to a meeting!!

Anyone else struggling with a running injury????

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Workin Girl

My work schedule changed today. Since I no longer have any school aged kids or sporting events to attend, it is time for me to step up to the plate and help out more with the finances. Wednesdays will be a long work day for me. This totally stinks when it comes to my training schedule that calls for some longer runs on Wednesdays. I have to figure out which day, Tuesday or Thursday, to change them to. Not sure I could get up early enough, run 9 miles, then go work 9 hours. 

I took another rest day after my 5 miler Monday. I have an appointment with the ortho tomorrow morning at 8:50. Not sure what they will say but I am hoping for a cortisone shot!! If it holds out and I can get a 20 mile training run in with no pain, then I think I can make it thru the marathon. If not......well, I do not want to think about "if not." The physical therapist taped my ankle again today.

So much stressful stuff going on in my world right now and I think I did some stressful eating after dinner tonight!!

Leftover cookies from the party last night. Pure sugar!!

Do you eat when you are stressed?? I tend to be the opposite!!



Quick Weigh IN

Up a few ounces....

We had a fun time last night celebrating Kaitlyn's birthday! We missed Taylor!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monday Run

My Clif bar this morning was not that great. It was chocolate brownie flavor and not my favorite!!!

Amazing grapes!!

Lunch was PB sandwich, Triscuits, hardboiled egg and string cheese.

This is what is left of the strawberries I ate before heading out for a run.

My girlfriend Jen and I met at her house at 5 to do a 5 mile run. Not the greatest time of day for a run, but that was the best time for us to meet. I was a hot sweaty mess. My ankle is still super sore and may need to make a appointment with an orthopedic. Boo. It was a slow easy 5 miles for me. I wore my Garmin heart rate monitor for this run!! It is strapped around my chest just below my sports bra. Surprisingly, I never felt it!!!

My heart rate reading was 152. I have to look into what it should be but I have a feeling I did not push myself hard enough but I really took it easy with my ankle. I am excited to start wearing it and really pushing myself harder. 

Dinner was a salmon burger (love these) and chips. I had another handful after these!!

We hit up the little ice cream shop in our town late last night. They sell yogurt so I agreed to go but it is expensive and I always think it taste freezer burnt!!!

Small vanilla scoop with chocolate jimmies. It is more the experience of going, and not so much how good the frozen yogurt tastes. My husband said that no one eats the frozen yogurt but me and that's why!!!!!!!

Daugther #2, Kaitlyn Marie, is 24 Tuesday so everyone is coming for dinner and a party!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


John and I were up bright and early this morning. My ankle was sore from my run yesterday but not as bad as it had been last Wednesday morning, so I was happy about that. I have a five miler planned in the afternoon tomorrow, so I may get it taped again to see if that will help. Today is a rest day for my ankle for sure.

Breakfast was a stop at Panera. I was still in my flannel PJs, so my husband went in and grabbed a few multi grain bagels. We sat in the Jeep and enjoyed them before going thru the Starbucks drive thru. I wanted to take my husband for a little drive this morning. Since joining my running group about 8 months ago, I have wanted to show him some of the routes we run. He could not believe some of the hills we endure and was not too happy with some of the very narrow streets. I assured him that since we run so early in the morning the traffic is very very light. I was excited to show him where we run and I know that he is proud of me:)

Once we got back to the house it was time to get busy. Since the weather in MD today was kinda crazy (one minute it was sunny and beautiful, the next it was pouring down rain), it was not worth making plans to be outdoors. First up was the pantry. I completely emptied it. Then I vacuumed every crumb I could find before organizing/tossing and putting everything back. The hall closet was next and then I tackled the large shoe bucket in the garage. I cannot begin to tell you how many shoes we have with so many girls! We have always taken our shoes off in the garage before entering our house. This is why we have a "shoe bucket." Seriously, the flip flop situation is out of control!!! I had someone say that my garage looked like an orphanage because of all the shoes! I had laundry going most of the afternoon only stopping to switch things to the dryer and folding. This job lead me to several drawers in the kitchen. I have always had a "school" drawer. Well, I went through that drawer, and by the time I was done it was empty! I no longer have a school drawer. Tomorrow is the first day of school for our county, and for the first time in 20 years I will not have child

Lunch was a Subway veggie on whole wheat with a bag of baked chips.

My treat for the day. I love a York every once in a while.

Dinner started with a salad.

I also enjoyed a bowl of high fiber Progresso bean soup.

Grabbed an apple on the way up tonight for my dessert. I have lots of laundry to put away. Today was a super productive day and will make going to work in the morning much easier. 

Do you enjoy a productive weekend??


Saturday, August 25, 2012

College Move and Change

I have been super busy the past few days. We got our youngest daughter moved in to college on Thursday. The baby of the family. It is hard to believe that she old enough!!!! I am not the type of mom that takes their child to college, and then weeps the entire way home. I have never cried or been sad to see them off. If anything, I am SO EXCITED and SO PROUD. You need to understand, I was married at 18, had a mortgage payment and my firstborn at 19. I have never been on my own and I do not remember a time when I was free to worry only about myself. Seeing my girls go off to school makes me so excited for their futures and what the world has in store for them. Trust me, I have no regrets for the choices I have made. Everyone wants better for their children. College is one of those things.

Before pic of Taylor's dorm room.

Things are coming together.

Lots of pictures going up.

Not sure dad was going to let her go!

Not sure I could either!

It was a beautiful day on campus. Thankfully, she is only 3 hours away. She is attending Salisbury University on the eastern shore. Our oldest daughter graduated here, plus she are only 30 minutes from the beach!!

Time for us to leave. Her older sisters will be checking up on her frequently!! It is almost like Taylor has not one mother. but four. Older sisters have a way of doing that. I am blessed that they all love each other so much. It is nice that they all have each other.

Stopped at the gas station for some food to hold us over until we could stop for lunch. The apple was awesome and who does not love popchips?? 100 calories of goodness!

Bridges is located on Kent Island. It is a beautiful restaurant, but we enjoy sitting outside by the water. 

 Delicious appetizers.

White pizza. So so good but could not finish it all. John was happy to polish it off for me.

We did so much talking here today. How fast our girls have grown and what is next for us. No fall sports for me to rush out of work for. No back school night. No meet the teacher night. No carpools. No bus schedules, Things will be different for me for sure. No more kids in the public school system. We could sell the house. Downsize? I for one, will be picking up more hours at work. Yes, I feel much "change" in the air.

I painted my toenails blue just to prove to myself that I am still "cool" even though my youngest is now in college!! 

My husband took me out for a "frozen yogurt date!" Not sure if frozen yogurt is good pre running food, but I pretended it was.

My ankle continued to be sore, but was feeling better after 3 full days of rest. This morning, I met a few girls from my running group bright and early, 6:45 to head out for a ten mile run. I was nervous starting out and my ankle felt so bad, I almost returned to my car to just cry it out. I told my group that it was feeling really bad but I wanted to see "how far I could go." It was not pretty. 

I did it!! Ten miles was on my training program. I did have to walk at times (mostly the downhills) but I managed. Hopefully, I did not do anymore damage to my ankle. If I really thought it was worse I would have stopped. Tonight it feels sore but not terrible.  It was a beautiful morning run with cooler temps and that was awesome!!

My daughter and her husband had a wedding to attend tonight, so we got to babysit this little guy. Seriously, how cute it is???? We all fought over him the entire evening. What fun!!!