Friday, July 27, 2012

Busy Thursday

Nothing like oversleeping and being late for work to start off my Thursday!! That NEVER happens to me! 

Clif & banana.

Kashi cookie. These are so good!! Packing just one in my lunch helps. If I were home, there would be no more left.

Lunch was PB sandwich, almonds and cheese.

My grandson Ty. He will be a week old Friday!! I got off work at 2, and sent my husband a text letting him know that I was going for a quick visit to see Ty. So happy my daughter and her husband bought a house only 8 miles from us!! Guess who arrived during my visit???

He couldn't stay away either!!! Crazy to think we are grandparents!!

I enjoyed some fruit while we were there.

Once we got home, I made a quick dinner. Whole wheat spaghetti (1cup), ground turkey and sauce. I also had one slice of french bread. Then we needed to head back out. We had an appointment at a wedding venue. Our second daughter, Kaitlyn is engaged and plans to be married in the spring.

We loved it!!! The venue seemed to fit them perfectly. This is a picture of Kaitlyn and Brent. I thought all the stone and flowers were beautiful. Wedding planning has officially kicked off!!!

Enjoyed this little treat on the ride home.

It was almost 9 by the time we got home. I then changed and hopped on the treadmill. My treadmill is located in the basement. During my warmup I thought I heard thunder. Then my lab sat right next to the treadmill, just staring at me. I knew then that it must be storming pretty bad. Poor dogs always get so scared. Just then, the power went out!!! My treadmill came to a halt and my basement was black!!! So glad I managed to grab the railings and not fall off!!! The power then came right back on. I could hear my daughter say, "Dad, mom is on the treadmill!" Glad they were worried about me! My 3 miles was a walk and I held on the entire time. Not worth risking falling off if the power went off again. 

Hooked on these sugar free pops. 

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