My weekend went by so fast!! Friday after work I stopped by the mall for a few things and I could not resist. Just a nice treat to myself. Not sure why I thought I deserved it!!
While at the mall I found a really cute dress at the Gap. I wanted to get a few more things before we head to the beach. Will post a pic soon.
Friday evening we had some friends over for a bonfire and I went a little overboard with the marsh mellows. My eating all week has not been the best. I had my running group Saturday morning and even though I managed 6 miles. It was not a great run. I had not eaten well the last few days and I was up late the night before not to mention the marsh mellows! Do you ever have a difficult run and you just "know" why? What's the saying, "You are what you eat?" Well, I felt like a marsh mellow Saturday morning, and I felt like the other runners thought I looked like one too!!!
After my run I headed to the grocery store. All the girls and my in-laws were coming for a Father's Day breakfast Sunday morning. My husband loves breakfast. It is his favorite meal of the day even though he only eats it on the weekends. Bad, bad.
The weather was beautiful all weekend. Saturday afternoon my husband wanted to take the puppy to the reservoir. He wanted to test him out in the water.
He loved it!! We stayed for about an hour then headed home. I had some laundry and housework to do and my husband wanted to wash the cars. It was a very busy Saturday. I loved it.
In honor of my awesome husband, I had to rock my "I heart my hubby" tshirt. He is an amazing father. He LOVES his girls!!!
There he is making breakfast for all of us! He really was happy here, I promise! We helped, but he took over. There was so much food and lots of us to feed. I made mashed potatoes the night before just so we could have potato cakes. We also had eggs, waffles, bacon (I also had turkey bacon), fruit, sausage, toast, English muffins and juice.
So many people we took "egg" orders!
There you have it. My muffin was whole wheat and I did have a few more pieces of turkey bacon. I stood and ate a plain waffle while I was waiting for my egg, and I cannot tell you how much fruit I ate!! I did make some good choices and passed up the sausage. I was stuffed!!!!!!! We had a great time with everyone.
After breakfast a few of the girls were headed out, and my husband left to visit his grandmother with his parents. I headed to Gettysburg, PA to visit my dad.
By the time I left it was almost 3pm. I had the top down on the wrangler and an hour long drive ahead of me, so I made a quick stop for some fish. I love these 200 calorie sizes:)
Me and my Dad. Love him.
Can't leave out my Mom!
I had a nice visit with them. It was getting late and I had to get home. Monday mornings come so fast. By this time I was tired and hungry. I could have waited until I got home to find something for dinner.
But NO!! I had to go thru the drive thru!!
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